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Candomblé WorkshopCandomblé Rhythms
on Congas & Atabaques

04.04. – 06.04.2025

Join us in the fascinating world of Brazilian Candomblé rhythms! In our workshop we will deal intensively with the traditional Brazilian Candomblé and Umbanda rhythms on congas and atabaques. In addition to learning the playing techniques, which depending on the tradition are played with hands, sticks, or a combination of both, the program will also include some songs (in Portuguese and Yoruba) that traditionally accompany the rhythms and emphasise their importance. Congas and atabaques are complemented by agogô and xequeré lines. Solo phrasing and improvisational skills will be among the workshop's main focuses.

Brazil is known for its rich musical culture that thrives on diverse influences. In the workshop we will explore the diverse and complex rhythms of Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion profoundly influenced by African rhythms and vocals. We will explore the historical background and understand how these traditions have been incorporated into the modern Brazilian musical landscape and where these rhythms can still be found today.


Dudu Tucci will expertly guide you through the program, highlighting techniques and background to better understand the Candomblé rhythms and how to play them authentically. Various rhythm patterns will be learned in multiple voices on congas and atabaques.

We recommend early registration to secure a spot. Prior musical knowledge and experience on percussion instruments is both preferred and required. The course is especially suited for percussionists, sambistas, musicians, music teachers and those interested in diving deeper into Brazilian music and culture, understanding musical backgrounds and origins, discovering new rhythms and expanding their musical repertoire.

Dudu has been sensitively teaching the complex rhythms of Candomblé for several decades and has thus given many musicians a deep insight into musical backgrounds. The ritual drums of Brazil fascinate course participants every year and leave a deep lasting impact. A unique opportunity to further your education in this genre!

A limited number of congas can be reserved;

We look forward to welcoming all who would like to join us in the fascinating world of Brazilian Candomblé rhythms.

CD-Tip: Dudu's lifelong work with the music of the Afro-Brazilian religions has resulted in two CDs: Amacy (2005) is a collection of Umbanda music and Orishas (1994) which focusses on Candomblé. You can find both CDs on Spotify.
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Fr. 04.04. | 18:00 – So. 06.04.2025 | 12:00
Lesson time 13 Hrs.
PAC Nord Berlin - Granatenstraße 4 - 13409 Berlin